About Me

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be" (quote from Douglas Adams). My name is Andrea. I was born in Belgium and live in Brussels. My passion for dollhouses emerged in my early twenties when I discovered a shop in downtown Brussels where they sold magnificent miniature mansions and furniture and decided that, one day, I would have my own dollhouse. Meanwhile, I had a life. When, in 2015, I visited Windsor and Queen Mary’s dollhouse, I decided it was time to get started with my own. After lots of brainstorming on how/where to start, I went for a dollhouse kit: the Malibu beach house. this blog is about the progress on the house and some tips on how I built and decorated the house.

Sunday 9 June 2019

Dear readers,

I know, it's been a while. After the move, there was so much to do that I did not have a chance to even consider working on miniatures. I also hurt my back so I was not able to do anything for a few weeks. Unpacking, sorting out stuff and organising the house, working in the (huge) garden took most of my time. My god there is so much to do in the garden, it's a jungle.
The weather was so nice over here in April, plants just went crazy.
I also re-upholstered a chair (3 more to go) and finished 2 paintings. I need another painting for the exhibition our painting group will hold in July. With a full-time job and only weekends for all the rest, progress is slow.
My "art room" is still a big mess with all the materials still unpacked; guess it won't be before the summer when I finally have an organised space for getting to work on miniatures.
Meanwhile, back in March, I went to the dollshouse fair in Aarnhem (NL) to finally pick up the stained glass panels for the ground floor living room. Arnje Spinhoven did a fantastic job on it and was inspired to change the colors of the original photo I had sent him. The original was a bit "bland", so he used brighter colors, including purple which happens to be my favourite color. The panels need slight sanding to fit into the frames, so I cannot put it together just yet (I'll post a photo when it's done). Anyway I am sooooo pleased with it, thanks Arnje! I also bought a few kits that I am hoping to put togething over the summer (at least the Art nouveau cabinet for the hallway).
I was hoping to make KDF in London, but I have to give it a miss again this year. Mind you, buying still more items for a house that's not even built would be daft! Still, I want to take a trip to the UK to visit my friends before Brexit happens, after that I anticipate it will be more complicated.

Lastly, if any of you know who makes miniature Tiffany lamps (working ones), please send me a message. (UK or Europe only, not out of the US, the postage would cost more than the lamp....)

That's all for now folks; will be back in a few weeks with more news.

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